By means of adding two transistors in each column bus, making them form a short-circuit differential amplifier with source follower transistor and row switch transistor inside of pixel, the photoelectric conversion gain is increased by this method. 通过在每列总线上增加两个晶体管,使之与像素内的行选通晶体管和源跟随晶体管形成一个输入输出短接的差动放大器,提高了像素内的光电转换增益。
Measurement on microwave transistor output power and gain 微波功率晶体管输出功率和增益测试
This paper systematically introduces topology, mathematic model and CAD program for designing low-noise broadband microwave transistor amplifiers in accordance with the predicted requirements& maximum flat gain, optimum noise and minimum M. 本文系统叙述了按最大平坦增益、最佳噪声及最小M的设计要求,设计低噪声宽频带微波晶体管放大器的拓扑结构、数学模型及计算机辅助设计程序。
This amplifier utilizes negative feedback structure and a two stage cascade, selects a novel microwave transistor, thus it can ensure the bandwidth, the enough power gain, and the satisfying flatness. 该放大器为了实现从DC到2.6GHz的带宽,保证有足够的增益和理想的增益平坦度,采用了负反馈结构,两级级联,并选用了一种结构新颖的微波晶体管。
Darlington transistor is more convenience in power amplification areas because of its high power gain and high reliability. 达林顿晶体管增益大、可靠性高,尤其在大功率应用中更加简便。
It is shown that the new transistor has more uniform characteristics of current gain at low current level, and an excellent low-frequency noise figure, so that it is a promising low noise device at low frequency with simpler processes. 实验结果表明,漂洗发射极晶体管的小电流增益均匀性好,具有良好的低频噪声特性,是一种工艺比较简化,性能较好的低频低噪声器件。
Using the internal relations among the transistor small signal parameter models such as H 、π and Y, We may sum up the general express form and characteristic of the common emitter amplifier gain under different parameter models. 利用晶体管不同参数模型间的内在联系,归纳出在模型参数下的共射放大电路增益的一般表达形式及其特点。
Based on the theoretical model, a new type of the transistor with low temperature coefficient of the current gain has been manufactured successfully. 据此理论模型研制成功了电流增益温度特性优良的中小功率晶体管系列。
Then, DC characteristics of the transistor are described by using a mathematical model, the calculated current gain is obtained and an optimal design scheme of a Bi-CMOS npa bipolar transistor fully-compatible with CMOS process is presented. 然后,建立了分析计算晶体管直流特性的数学模型,并分析计算了工艺参数、器件结构对器件性能的影响,给出了CMOS工艺全兼容的Bi-CMOS双极型npn晶体管的最佳设计方案。
Meanwhile, polysilicon transistor has positive temperature coefficient of current gain. The transistor has the same temperature property with bulk silicon with a smaller change of current gain when temperature is varying. 2. 多晶硅三极管的电流增益具有正温度系数,大电流下的电流增益随温度的变化比小电流情况小,该三极管具有和体硅相同的温度特性。
As the CMOS technology keeps scaling down, more and more design difficulties are raised for precise or highly linear analog/ RF circuits, mostly due to the decreasing transistor intrinsic gain and the shrinking voltage headroom. 随着CMOS工艺中器件尺寸的不断缩小,精确的或者说高线性的模拟/射频电路面临着越来越多的设计困难,这主要是由晶体管本征增益的降低和可用电压空间的减小导致的。